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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Media Menu for April 18, 2012

Here are home viewing suggestions for the week, selected from online advanced TV program listings and aligned with the state and national K-12 academic standards available online. Please consult local listings also, since actual broadcast times may vary.   The Websites cited in the “Log on“  box  below the TV listing provide further details about the show’s  topic and may contain links to video clips from the show or a complete streaming video version of the show.

Wednesday, April  18, 2012,
7-8 p.m. E/P
Science  Channel
Elementary, Middle and High School

Wonders of the Universe: Children of the Stars

In this documentary  physicist Brian Cox will examine the fundamental question: What are we made of? The resounding answer is: "star stuff." The same 92 elements we have on Earth are found throughout the cosmos. Forged deep in the hearts of stars, the untold trillions of atoms that make up each of us link together to tell the story of the universe's origin, specifically how the stars die as powerful supernovae, seeding the universe with the heavy elements that make life possible. TV-G
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Thursday, April  19, 2012
10-11:30 p.m. E/P
Science and Economics
Middle and High School

INDEPENDENT LENS: Revenge of the Electric Car

This documentary follows the race among major car-makers to make and market electric cars. In 2006, as many as 5,000 modern electric cars were destroyed by the major car companies that built them. Today, the electric car is back with a vengeance. This program takes viewers behind the closed doors of Nissan, General Motors, the Silicon Valley start-up Tesla Motors, and an independent car converter named Greg “Gadget” Abbott to find the story of the global resurgence of electric cars. With the goal of weaning the country off of foreign oil, this new generation of automobiles promises to be America’s future: fast, furious, and cleaner than ever. TV-G
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Friday, April  20, 2012,
5-6  p.m. E/P
History Channel
Science and Economics
Middle and High School

Modern Marvels: Water

World Water Day will be observed this week on April 22 (simultaneous with Earth  Day). In his message for World Water Day 2012, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said that producing enough food to feed the world's rapidly growing population will require the international community to ensure the sustainable use of the world's "most critical finite resource," water. It's nature's precious elixir--so powerful it can carve our landscape, yet so nurturing it can spawn life and support its intricate matrix. And it's the only substance on Earth that can exist in three separate forms at the same temperature--liquid, solid, and gas. We take it for granted, yet compared to other natural compounds, it's a genuine oddity. This documentary paints  a vivid portrait of this common entity that's anything but as we explore water's multidimensional character--from its place in the $10-billion bottled water industry to its critical role in a Canadian nuclear reactor. We watch it flow from huge irrigation machines that have revolutionized American agriculture, blast 200 miles into space from a newly discovered geyser on one of Saturn's moons (via computer animation), coaxed from the clouds by chemical injection, captured by innovative "fog-catchers", and cascade with artistic flair from compressed air jets at the Fountains of Bellagio in Las Vegas.  TV-PG
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Saturday, April  21,  2012,
5-6 p.m. E/P
Science Channel
Elementary, Middle and High School

When Earth Erupts: Americas

As shown in this documentary, the eastern Pacific Rim is volatile territory. Earthquakes have decimated Anchorage, Alaska and San Francisco, CA, and probably will again in the next 30 years. The Chilean coast has been rocked by earthquakes and volcanic eruptions that killed thousands.TV-G
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Sunday, April  22,  2012
8-9 p.m. E/P
National Geographic Channel
Science and Geography
Elementary, Middle and High School

Light the Ocean

It’s the ocean like you’ve  never seen it before. Using data from scientists around the globe, combined with specially developed computer animation software, this  documentary  turns the Earths ocean waters crystal clear. Spectacular underwater landscapes and hidden structures are revealed. Follow sperm whales as they dive into the dark depths of the Kaikoura Canyon off New Zealand, and descend to the underwater mountain ranges of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge to find never-before-seen creatures.
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Sunday, April  22,  2012,
10:30-11:30 p.m. E/P (check local air-times)
Science and Technology
Middle and High School


This Earth Day documentary looks at some of the world’s most important case studies in energy policy. In Spain and Morocco, large-scale solar farms and individual photovoltaic panels atop tents in the Sahara are beginning to bring the vast potential of the sun down to Earth. In Brazil, abundant natural resources — sun, rain and sugar cane — are transformed into efficient, sustainable biofuel, making Brazil the only nation whose cars could run normally if gasoline were to vanish. In Samsø, Denmark, and in West Texas, citizens have taken sustainability — and economic realities — into their own hands by becoming stakeholders in wind turbines. In China, a full-throttle approach to multiple sustainable energy technologies is giving rise to a “new empire of clean tech.” What about America? One energy insider predicts an “energy abyss” if smart decisions aren’t made. Learn how great nations and small communities are finding sustainable solutions that provide for people and protect the planet. TV-PG
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Monday, April  23,  2012,
8-9 p.m. E/P
Science Channel
World History and    Technology
Middle and High School

Spy Wars

This documentary provides a look into the world of espionage. For the first time former Israeli & American spies explore the technology and tactics behind one of the greatest murder mysteries: the assassination of Saddam Hussein's top weapons scientist Canadian Gerald Bull. TV-14
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Tuesday, April  24,  2012,
9-11 p.m. E/P
U.S. History and Economics
Middle and High School

FRONTLINE: Money, Power and Wall Street – Part 1

This documentary describes how two U.S. administrations have confronted the economic crisis. Since 2008, Wall Street and Washington have fought against the tide of the fiercest financial crisis since the Great Depression. What have they wrought? This program tells the inside story of the struggles to rescue and repair a shattered economy, exploring key decisions, missed opportunities, and the unprecedented and uneasy partnership between government leaders and titans of finance that affects the fortunes of millions of people around the world. (Part 2 airs in this time-slot May 1.)
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Wednesday, April  25,  2012,
10-11 p.m. E/P
Technology and Geography
Elementary, Middle and High School


Our modern electric power grid has been called the biggest and most complex machine in the world — delivering electricity over 200,000 miles of high-tension transmission lines. This documentary travels around the country with host Yul Kwon to understand its intricacies, its vulnerabilities and the remarkable ingenuity required to keep the electricity on, every day of the year. At New York State's governing control room, learn how a massive blackout cut power to 40 million Americans; to understand how we can protect against this type of colossal failure, join a team who makes daring repairs from the side of a helicopter in flight. Visit the country's largest coal mine, rappel down the side of a wind turbine, take a rare tour of a nuclear plant and travel on a massive tanker — as Kwon reflects on the challenges and opportunities to keep the power flowing. TV-G
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