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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Media Menu for August 23, 2012

Here are home viewing suggestions for the week, selected from online advanced TV program listings and aligned with the state and national K-12 academic standards available online. Please consult local listings also, since actual broadcast times may vary.   The Websites cited in the “Log on“  box  below the TV listing provide further details about the show’s  topic and may contain links to video clips from the show or a complete streaming video version of the show.

Thursday,,  August  23,  2012,
7-8 p.m. E/P
Elementary, and High School

Nature: Bears of the Last Frontier

In this documentary airing on KLCS, program host Chris Morgan travels to the far north of Alaska, the tiny North Slope town of Kaktovik. It’s early November and winter is coming on. But each year, the polar bears struggle for extended periods on dwindling fat reserves, waiting for the opportunity to hunt on sea ice that takes longer to freeze. In early spring, Morgan joins local hunters in Barrow, the northernmost city in Alaska, as they go out on their own hunts, facing some of the same challenges as the bears. In late spring, Morgan travels to the North Slope of the Brooks Range, where countless thousands of caribou cover the ground for miles. The grizzlies are waiting for them, as they have for thousands of years.
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Friday,  August  24,  2012,
5-6 p.m. E/P
History Channel
Science and Technology
Middle and High School

Modern Marvels: Deep Freeze

This is a documentary takes a look at the technology of cold. Think your home freezer is "cool"? Try spending some time in a 12-story unit filled with 135 million pounds of ice cream. Enter Arctic vaults that store millions of different seeds and learn how scientists have mastered temperatures of -200 degrees F and below. Explore how the cold not only preserves and chills, but also shatters rubber tires, strengthens steel, and fuels rockets.  TV-PG
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Saturday,  August  25,  2012,
5-6 p.m. E/P
U.S. History and Economics
High School

Global Lessons: Putting America to Work

This is a documentary about lessons from around the globe useful to promote financial growth in America.
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Sunday,  August  26,  2012,
7- 8 E/P
U.S. History
Middle and High School

History Detectives

Airing on KLCS, the episode of the documentary series History Detectives investigates a camera that may have been used by the first female White House photographer to shoot a picture of President Truman, and a 19th-century doll that might have been used to smuggle medicine into the Confederate South.
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Monday,  August  27,  2012,
7-9 p.m. E/P (times vary by network)
U.S. History and Government
Middle and High School
Republican National Convention
This is the first night of tv coverage of the GOP Convention – which continues in this time slot until Friday. Log on to link below for advanced information about each evening’s proceedings.
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Tuesday,  August  28,  2012,
10-11 p.m. E/P
Middle and High School

Hard Problems: The Road to the World's Toughest Math Contest

Airing on KLCS, this documentary follows six U.S. high-school students competing in the  International Mathematical Olympiad, the world's toughest math competition, which comprises teams from 90 countries. Each year, this grueling and exhilarating contest pits national  top teams  in their quest to solve some of the world’s most challenging problems. These dedicated and talented young men and women — some immigrants, others U.S.-born — shatter many stereotypes and clichés about the mathematically gifted.
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Wednesday,  August  29,  2012,
 9-11:30 p.m. ET, 6-8:30 PT
TCM-Turner Classic Movie Channel
World History
Middle and High School

Joan Of Arc

This is an  Oscar-winning history movie about a  farm girl whose faith unites France against British invaders.  Guided by the voices that have spoken to her since she was thirteen, Jeanne travels from her home in Lorraine, at their instruction. The voices have commanded her to lead the French Dauphin Charles VII, the prophesied future king of France, in battle against the British, first in Orleans but then in successive victories that rally the French people around Jeanne during the Hundred Years War. But Jeanne's growing  national stature--a threat to the monarchy--and the king's greed lead Charles to trade French autonomy for money. He makes a deal with the British, who then capture Jeanne, imprisoning her and subjecting her to a farcical trial whose only goal, despite the semblance of fairness, is to burn Jeanne at the stake as a heretic. The trial is led by the corrupt, politically motivated Pierre Cauchon  who harangues and tortures Jeanne until she is nearly broken. But even her British persecutors cannot stop Jeanne from achieving sainthood with her immortality assured when she is burned at the stake. TV-PG
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Book TV Schedule

Saturday, August 25th

8am (ET)
Approx. 1 hr. 16 min.
"The Wildness Within: Remembering David Brower"
Kenneth Brower
12pm (ET)
Approx. 4 hr. 30 min.
2012 Roosevelt Reading Festival
Mutiple Authors
7pm (ET)
Approx. 52 min.
"The Rise of Marco Rubio"
Manuel Roig-Franzia

Sunday, August 26th

12am (ET)
Approx. 4 hr. 30 min.
2012 Roosevelt Reading Festival
Mutiple Authors
4:30am (ET)
Approx. 1 hr. 2 min.
"Pax Ethnica: Where and How Diversity Succeeds"
Shareen Blair Brysac; Karl Meyer
5:45am (ET)
Approx. 51 min.
"Ayn Rand Nation: The Hidden Struggle for America's Soul"
Gary Weiss
6:45am (ET)
Approx. 1 hr. 9 min.
"The Road to Freedom: How to Win the Fight for Free Enterprise"
Arthur Brooks
8am (ET)
Approx. 53 min.
"The Long Walk: A Story of War and the Life That Follows"
Brian Castner
10:30am (ET)
Approx. 1 hr. 9 min.
"The Candidate: What It Takes To Win - and Hold - The White House"
Samuel Popkin
3pm (ET)
Approx. 45 min.
"Selecting a President"
Eleanor Clift; Matthew Spieler
5pm (ET)
Approx. 47 min.
"The Real Romney"
Michael Kranish
11pm (ET)
Approx. 52 min.
"The Rise of Marco Rubio"
Manuel Roig-Franzia

Monday, August 27th

2am (ET)
Approx. 57 min.
"Kill the Messenger: The Media's Role in the Fate of the World"
Maria Armoudian
7am (ET)
Approx. 57 min.
"Treacherous Beauty: Peggy Shippen, the Woman Behind Benedict Arnold's Plot to Betray America"
Stephen Case; Mark Jacob

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