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Thursday, November 8, 2012

Media Menu for November 8, 2012

Here are home viewing suggestions for the week, selected from online advanced TV program listings and aligned with the state and national K-12 academic standards available online. Please consult local listings also, since actual broadcast times may vary.   The Websites cited in the “Log on“  box  below the TV listing provide further details about the show’s  topic and may contain links to video clips from the show or a complete streaming video version of the show.

Thursday, November 8, 2012
5-6 p.m. E/P
History Channel
World History and Technology
 Middle and High School

Ancient Discoveries: Ancient Mega-Fort

Holding off invasion and protecting its people, ancient civilizations came up with creative, efficient and effective means of self-protection and defense. Viewers of this documentary get to walk the grounds of the castle that helped create Great Britain and learn why it was such an impregnable fortress. Discover the invisible underground defensive systems of Cappadocia and how they proved so successful that it is the longest continually inhabited fortress in history. Test the ancient Mayan killer bee castle defenses, and release bees in an attack. Next, build a replica section of the ancient Roman fort of Alesia and discover whether the great general Julius Caesar could really have built 24 miles of defenses in just six weeks. Investigate the most impregnable walls in history--the multi-layered defenses of Constantinople, and discover the type of cannon that the sultan Mehmet used to finally destroy them in the great siege of 1453.  TV-PG
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Friday, November 9, 2012
9-10- p.m. E/P
CNBC Channel
 High School

Crime Inc.: Counterfeit  Goods

This documentary goes inside some of the biggest criminal enterprises in the world to give viewers a look at how they operate,  especially  the counterfeit goods industry, which brings in billions every year.
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Saturday, November 10, 2012
6-8 p.m. E/P
U.S. History
 High School


Airing on KLCS, this documentary examines how the Civil War death toll which is estimated to have been 750,000 people (2.5 percent of the nation's population at the time), affected the nation's psyche. Based on Harvard president Drew Gilpin Faust's book "This Republic of Suffering".  With the coming of the Civil War, and the staggering casualties it ushered in, death entered the experience of the American people as it never had before -- permanently altering the character of the republic and the psyche of the American people. Contending with death on an unprecedented scale posed challenges for which there were no ready answers when the war began. Americans worked to improvise new solutions, new institutions, and new ways of coping with death on an unimaginable scale
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Sunday, November 11, 2012
7-9 p.m. E/P
National Geographic Channel
 Middle and High School

Space Dive

As Felix Baumgartner recently broke the world record for a free fall jump from higher than 120,000 feet in space—becoming the first person to free fall while breaking the sound barrier—the National Geographic Channel and BBC detailed every second with more than 20 cameras. The footage has been combined with exclusive behind-the-scenes access following Baumgartner's four-year metamorphosis from an elite BASE jumper to an extreme altitude specialist who can think and act like an astronaut.
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Monday, November 12, 2012
7-8 p.m. E/P
U.S. History
 Middle and High School

World War II: Saving the Reality

Airing on KLCS in observance  of Veteran’s Day  today, this is a documentary about a special museum.  Over the course of five decades, Kenneth W. Rendell amassed the largest and most comprehensive private collection of original World War II memorabilia in the world. Narrated by Dan Aykroyd,  the program opens the doors to this private museum located outside Boston. Rendell provides a guided tour of the museum's 30 exhibits, which chronicle the end of World War I and the rise of Nazism to the start of World War II and the fight in Europe and the Pacific. The period artifacts, both small and large, include propaganda posters, Hitler Youth uniforms, Winston Churchill's original siren suit, French Resistance clothing and radios, spy gadgets, General MacArthur’s license plate, a Japanese admiral's uniform, Field Marshall Montgomery's signature beret and even a Sherman tank. Some of the museum's more significant documents include General Patton’s copy of Mein Kampf and his personal map of Sicily, the original order to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and a revealing letter from Dwight Eisenhower to his wife. Supplemented with archival photos and footage, the film also features interviews with more than 50 World War II veterans, civilians and Holocaust survivors who offer absorbing first-person accounts of these historical events and speak to the complexities, moral ambiguities and emotional toll of the war.
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Tuesday, November 13, 2012
9-11p.m. E/P
History Channel
World History and  Science
 Middle and High School

Mankind The Story of All of Us: Inventors

This is a broadcast of the initial episode of a 12-hour documentary series about the history of the human race. Topic Tonight:  the role of inventors in history. Series Overview; It takes 10 billion years for the ideal planet to form and 3 billion more for the right conditions to emerge before it finally happens: mankind begins. From there unfolds a fast-paced story told here through key turning points—stepping stones in our journey from hunter-gatherer to global citizen. It’s a tale of connections—why some ideas take hold and spread around the globe, and how the lives of people in one part of the world are shaped by events in another. Episodes covered throughout the series include the ice age, the advent of farming, the sacking of Rome, the discovery of the New World, the fall of the Aztec empire, the Industrial Revolution and so much more.
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Wednesday,  November 14, 2012
9-10p.m. E/P
CNBC Channel
Economics and Technology
 Middle and High School

BMW: A Driving Obsession

This is a documentary about  how a once-small and struggling company has transformed itself into an international luxury-car powerhouse.
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Book TV Schedule

Saturday, November 10th

8am (ET)
Approx. 58 min.
"Bill and Hillary: The Politics of the Personal"
William Chafe
9am (ET)
Approx. 3 hr.
In Depth: Kenneth C. Davis
1:15pm (ET)
Approx. 1 hr. 4 min.
"Master of the Mountain: Thomas Jefferson and His Slaves"
Henry Wiencek
2:30pm (ET)
Approx. 1 hr. 1 min.
"God Believes in Love: Straight Talk About Gay Marriage"
Gene Robinson
3:45pm (ET)
Approx. 53 min.
"Pat Nixon: Embattled First Lady"
Mary Brennan
11:45pm (ET)
Approx. 2 hr. 34 min.
2012 American Book Awards
Multiple Authors

Sunday, November 11th

2:30am (ET)
Approx. 1 hr. 4 min.
Chris Anderson, "Makers: The New Industrial Revolution"
Chris Anderson
4:30am (ET)
Approx. 30 min.
“The Distance Between Us: A Memoir”
Reyna Grande
5am (ET)
Approx. 59 min.
"Who Stole the American Dream?"
Hedrick Smith
7:15am (ET)
Approx. 1 hr. 19 min.
"Joseph Anton: A Memoir"
Salman Rushdie
9am (ET)
Approx. 1 hr. 3 min.
"Brigham Young: Pioneer Prophet"
John Turner
2pm (ET)
Approx. 2 hr. 34 min.
2012 American Book Awards
Multiple Authors
4:45pm (ET)
Approx. 1 hr. 14 min.
"Escape from North Korea: The Untold Story of Asia's Underground Railroad"
Melanie Kirkpatrick
LIVE 6pm (ET)
Approx. 1 hr. 15 min.
2012 Miami Book Fair International: Tom Wolfe, "Back to Blood"
Tom Wolfe
8pm (ET)
Approx. 53 min.
"Pat Nixon: Embattled First Lady"
Mary Brennan
10:45pm (ET)
Approx. 1 hr. 1 min.
"God Believes in Love: Straight Talk About Gay Marriage"
Gene Robinson

Monday, November 12th

4am (ET)
Approx. 55 min.
"SEAL Team Six: Memoirs of an Elite Navy SEAL Sniper"
Howard Wasdin
6:30am (ET)
Approx. 1 hr.
2012 Texas Book Festival: Education Panel featuring Michael Brick, Meira Levinson, and Paul Tough
Michael Brick; Meira Levinson; Paul Tough
7:30am (ET)
Approx. 25 min.
"World in the Balance: The Perilous Months of June-October 1940"
Brooke Stoddard

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